
Full exploration of the Dominant Side


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welcome with hands in hanging handcuffsThere are many different opinions and ideas about the meaning of dominance in a BDSM context, what the appropriate definition and titles for it, and what being a good dominant means. What makes a good dominant, in some ways, is in the eye of the beholder as each person has their own preferences; there is no cookie cutter mold for a good dominant.

As always, general ethics is strongly considered as a vital role of a play partner and this applies equally, if not even more so, to dominants. Even though submissives have a say in what happens within a scene, the top has the chance to act unethically once power is given up by the submissive. The burden of safety falls mostly on the dominant during a scene.

Dominance: Looking at Definitions

The common dictionary defines "dominance" as:

  1. rule; control; authority; ascendancy.
  2. the condition of being dominant.
  3. Psychology . the disposition of an individual to assertcontrol in dealing with others.
  4. Animal Behavior . high status in a social group, usuallyacquired as the result of aggression, that involves thetendency to take priority in access to limited resources, asfood, mates, or space.

For alternative communities, the use of the term "dominance" first arose in the 1970s gay community when it became unpopular to feminize the submissive one in same-sex couples (TorqueDom, 2000). In the BDSM context, dominance is seen as a personality trait that can exist in or outside of a relationship and can apply in a single scene or a lifetime lifestyle (Kaldera & Joshua, 2009).

About Domination

Submissive tying shoe of Dominant
Types of Dominants
Find out what different dominant styles exist
Types of Dominants
Dominant stepping on back of submissive
What Makes a Good Dominant
There are some key things that makes a good dominant
Successful Dominants

Be the Best Dominant

Dominants carry a lot of responsibility as well as a lot of admiration from many. Keep building those skills to be the best Dominant that you can be and truly enhance your kinky interactions. Guide your submissive on their journey of discovery and grow together. If you've found these articles helpful, please contribute to our efforts and don't forget to sign up for our mailing list. If you're looking to increase your BDSM collection, please check out our store.

Written January 19, 2012 | Updated February 13, 2017
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Article References

Kaldera, R., & Joshua, T. (2009). Dear Raven & Joshua: Questions & Answers about M/s Relationships. Hubbardston: Alfred Press.

Kaldera, R., & Tenpenny, J. (2011). Real Service. Morrisville: LuLu Enterprises.

Mallory, F. (n.d.). Dominant vs Master. Retrieved 12 28, 2011, from Steel Door:

Nala. (2001). Domination. Retrieved 01 03, 2012, from

Payne, P. (1999). Sex Tips from a Dominatrix. New York: HarperCollins

Saber, L. (2001). What Makes A Good Dominant. Retrieved 01 10, 2012, from

Shadowborne, R. (1997). Characteristics of a Successful Dominant . Retrieved 12 20, 2011, from

TorqueDom. (2000). The Difference Between A Dominant & A Master. Retrieved 12 27, 2011, from

Image References

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