Human Papillomarvirus (HPV) Treatment

How is HPV Treated?


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In many cases, the body will naturally eliminate the HPV infection and many people never know if they have it. Women often receive regular screening for this infection that is included in their yearly PAP test while there is no standard test for men at this time. In many cases this is not too much cause for concern since most cases of HPV clears up by itself (Planned Parenthood of America, 2012). There is no actual cure for HPV at this time but treatments for the symptoms are available. Warts can be removed by freezing, burning, or surgical procedures but these treatments do not guarantee that the warts will not return (Public Health Agency of Canada, 2012).

Written November 14, 2012 | Updated May 4, 2015
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Article References

CDC. (2012). Genital HPV Infection - Fact Sheet. Retrieved 11 13, 2012, from Centeres for Disease Control and Prevention:

Health Canada. (2010, 09 08). Human Papillomavirus (HPV). Retrieved 11 13, 2012, from Health Canada:

Medline . (2012, 11 08). HPV. Retrieved 11 13, 2012, from Medline Plus:

Planned Parenthood of America. (2012). Human Papillomavirus (HPV). Retrieved 11 13, 2012, from Planned Parenthood:

Public Health Agency of Canada. (2012, 09 25). HPV. Retrieved 11 13, 2012, from Public Health Agency of Canada:

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